Welcome to Becoming Kingdom Fit, the podcast for high-performing Christian women who want to become fiercely fit in mind, body, and spirit. I’m your host, Rebecca Tabbert. I’m here to help you conquer emotional eating, build radical confidence and develop unshakable faith so that you experience the fullness of God’s presence, and your unique purpose while boldly running your race unhindered. Whether you’re looking to conquer emotional eating, achieve sustainable weight loss, develop “Godly grit”, silence your “stinkin-thinkin” or deepen your relationship with God, the Becoming Kingdom Fit podcast has got you covered. Join the Becoming Kingdom Fit movement and let’s normalize intentionally being fiercely fit in mind, body and Spirit so that we can experience God’s abundant blessings in every area of our lives and fully maximize the potential within our unique God-given purpose. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss new episodes. Then go to https://linktr.ee/rebeccatabbert for additional resources and to stay up to date on live events.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
My First 3 Day No Food Fast; Lessons, Tips And Why This Will Be A Routine Practice
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Just before Christmas, I felt unexpectedly led to not just "fast" but to specifically give up food... okay God... for 3 Days... what!?... okay God... and all your Apps... okay God.
No sooner did I have this knowing and certainty that I was hearing the small still voice of God telling me to do this.... did I then quickly catch myself questioning, negotiating.. my nature knew it would be hard.
"I want to be able to work out. I've never done a no food fast for even an entire day let alone 3... can I even do this? What about my clients? What about my upcoming workshop, I need to be promoting it..."
Thankfully God has taught me how to discern my voice over His (most of the time:)), how to catch my nature thoughts and bring them to Him. And His Spirit was thankfully so heavy on me I just as quickly caught my thoughts, brought them back to Him and committed to the fast.
And let me tell you, it was transformative and of course HIS timing, HIS ways are always so much better than our own.
In this episode I share;
My experience
What I am beginning to learn about fasting as a form of worship. I reference a message taught by Stephanie Ike click here to view her full teaching on YouTube.
The practical steps I took that equipped me to go without food for 3 days.
And why I've decided a 3 day no food fast gets to be an intentional practice for me in 2023 and beyond (I've strategically scheduled them into my calendar)
I trust that you've stumbled onto this episode for a reason and pray you clearly hear what is meant for you and that you be strengthened and encouraged to take inspired action as you follow God's small still voice for yourself.
As always, I'd love to connect with you. You can find me on social media platforms as Rebecca Tabbert. You can also email me at rebecca@rebeccatabbert.com.
If you'd like to work together for purpose of reclaiming power and authority over your mind and emotion so you turn to God instead over food, radically transform your body and step in to the even more He has for you than send me an email or go to www.rebeccatabbert.com/kingdomfitacademy
Much love and respect,
Your truth tellin' Coach and Sister in Christ - Rebecca

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Personal Reflections, & Being Stretched for The Next God Has For You
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
If you find yourself more reflective this time of year - me too! If you are in a season of feeling stretched so that you can carry what God has next for you - me too!
In this episode I share my current personal reflections and how God has helped me develop the ability to look at past events objectively so that I can learn, grow and continue to become more of who He wants me to be.
I also share a reflection about this podcast and how I might have been still filtering what I'm called to share in fear of is it good enough, is it valuable and maybe a little what will "they" think (you know, the two people in your peanut gallery despite the overwhelming number of people that support you :) -I'm human too!) Expect a less filtered version of me and what God places on my heart to share with you.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this episode, please email me at rebecca@rebeccatabbert.com.
If you find it helpful please write a 5 star review and share it with a friend.
If you would like to know what it might be like to work together in 2023, NOW is the time to connect as I fill up my January spots. Click here to message me on Facebook or go to www.rebeccatabbert.com
Cheers to a healthier, fitter version of you in this new year!! Much love and respect - Coach Rebecca

Friday Nov 04, 2022
3 Ways To Stay On Track Even On The Days You Don’t Feel Like It
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
I know you have the best of intentions but it is SO tempting to hit snooze, or negotiate the plan you set for yourself because you don't feel like eating that today or you don't feel like getting that walk in today.
We all have days like that.
However, one key distinction between those who succeed in transforming their mind and body and those who repeat the same patterns year after year or make very slow progress is the ability to do what they know they "should" be doing on the days they don't "feel" like doing it.
When I recorded this, I had a clear agenda... BUT God in His awesomeness showed up and shared so much then the original intent.
So yes, I share 3 Ways to Stay On Track Even On the Days You Don't Feel Like It. I also share a couple Spirit led moments to affirm your desire to align your mind and body with God's best for you. One of these moments is toward the end of the episode. So grab your coffee, or grab a water... take me on a walk with you and enjoy this episode. I hope you are blessed by it.
Becoming Kingdom Fit gets to be a mission to normalize becoming fiercely fit in mind, body and Spirit within our Christian culture.
We get to expose the lie of the enemy that self care is selfish because we know the truth is we only give our best when we are at our best.
We get to expose the lie of the enemy that being overweight should be normalized or tolerated because we know that the feeling of distraction or discouragement acts as a hindrance in your daily joy and the greatest potential of walking out your unique and greater purpose... because we know that to the extent in which you are carrying extra weight is to the extent you are at greater risk for dis-ease
You are called on purpose for a unique and greater purpose that only you can give. The enemy will deceive you into thinking your physical well being is insignificant in your ability to experience and give your God-given unique purpose.
There is no judgment or condemnation in the battle you've faced (been there!)... it's simply time to call the enemy out in his lies and step into the fullness of who you get to BE, the greatest potential of what you get to DO in service to others in a way that honors God.
Much Love and Respect,
P.S. Here's three ways to join our mission to normalize Becoming Kingdom Fit
1. If you'd like to connect with me and like minded women throughout the week, I'd love for you to join us inside our private FB Group, Healthy Living & Weight Loss for Christian Women Entrepreneurs.
2. If you want to help learning how to turn to God vs food and radically transform your body without giving up your favorite foods or spending hours at a gym, even if you feel like you don't have a lot of time and feel like you've failed in the past then click here to connect, apply and determine if it makes sense to work together.
(I am currently gifting the next 5 qualified applicants with a bonus too good to share here. However, if you want 2023 to be your best year yet for your health and fitness AND you don't want to hit the ground running, NOW is the time to grab a spot on my client roster. Click here, provide your email and then schedule a time for your personal game plan session. )
3. Subscribe to the Becoming Kingdom Fit Podcast

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Becoming Kingdom Fit The Rebrand, The Mission
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
In this episode I hope you find encouragement and another reminder that God is faithful to the faithful. That when we seek Him first and abide in Him as He abides us he will continue to refine us, stretch us and give clarity on your unique purpose and God-given vision.
In this episode I share the evolution of this podcast and mission that is Becoming Kingdom Fit.
This podcast has evolved as God evolves His work in and through me. The core values remain the same; Faith, Fitness & Freedom. The focus has sharpened as God refines me to serve you in ways that honor Him.
Whether you want to learn to turn to God instead of food, lose weight for the last time, radically transform your body, deepen your personal relationship with God or gain greater clarity on your next iteration of unique purpose.. there is something here for you, meant for you.
Join the Becoming Kingdom Fit Movement, together we can normalize becoming fiercely fit in mind, body and Spirit so that we are best able to experience and give God's "exceedingly above all we think or ask" for ourselves, our families, and in service to others through our Faith rooted businesses.
Click here to join us in the upcoming free training Becoming Kingdom Fit
Click here to join our private community on Facebook.
If this podcast has been helpful please write a five star review and share with a friend.

Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Why You Lose Weight and Find it Again... and Again
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Have you ever felt proud because you followed a plan that helped you lose your extra weight... then find yourself feeling defeated 6 months later because you gained the weight back? You're not alone. Unfortunately, it’s a common experience. And every time you experience this, it's even harder to find motivation to try again no matter how uncomfortable you feel in your body because your stinkin thinkin wants to remind you of your previous failed attempts.
What if you discovered why this pattern is so common and how to break it so that you can lose your unwanted weight without fear of gaining it back ever again?
In this episode I begin to teach what you've not been taught. The fact is that what I share is not being taught by even the most well-intentioned fit pros. You certainly won't learn this from the variety of diets, pills or "system".
So, if you are ready to break the yo-yo pattern then I encourage you to dive into this episode.
And if you want a more extensive training with practical tools and action steps that will fit your goals then join me in my next free training Becoming Kingdom Fit, click here to save your free virtual seat.
If you found this episode helpful I'd appreciate if you'd leave a review on the podcast and share it with a friend.
Why You Lose Weight and Find it Again... and Again

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Your Fitness Journey is a Marathon not a Sprint
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Have you ever gone "really hard" or "all in" on a diet or workout routine and then just crash and burn... completely fall off the wagon? If yes this will help.
In this episode I give you a shift that will help you leverage your "sprints" without the crash and burn so that you can "run your race" strong and with greater consistency.
I also share more about my story as it will give you further insight into this perspective.
For those of you that want to stay connected and check out additional resources click here
If this episode was helpful will you do me a favor by leaving a five star review and sharing it with a friend. Thank you!

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Better than motivation...
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
“Motivation” won’t always work for weight loss or healthy habit changes. Try this instead…
Decide you already are the woman who is fiercely fit in mind body and spirit…
What are her daily actions and choices?
You are not a woman “trying to become fit”
You are the type of woman who chooses to (insert healthy choices)
You ARE that woman and occasionally you have off days but the off days are no loner part of you are… they are no longer for you, they no longer define you
you are not the “woman TRYING to be fitter and healthier”
You are the woman that does move your body with intention each day
You are the woman that mostly chooses foods that fuel your health…
And so on…
The “off” days are no longer allowed to be your representative
As always, thank you for choosing to let me be a voice in your life. If this episode was helpful please help me get the word out by sharing it with a friend and leave a 5 star review.
If you'd like to connect and learn more about what it might look like to work together. This month is the perfect time to apply for Kingdom Fit Academy! Start here

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Burnout Archetypes; the impact on your health and how you operate your business.
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Join me and Kylie Ota as we discuss burnout; How to avoid it, how to recover and much more.

Friday Oct 07, 2022
What to Eat To Lose Weight And Feel Sexy In Your Body
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
I know there is a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding on what you "should" be eating in order to lose weight and feel sexy.
In today's episode, I take the guess work out of it for you.
By the way next week I'm hosting a semi-private Becoming Coming Kingdom Fit master class for some amazing Christian Women Entrepreneurs.
Here's the plan:
Day ONE:
Session One: What's actually stopping you from getting your dream body so you can finally get the body you feel amazing in
Session Two: Why being be a diet school drop out is good and what to do instead
Day TWO:
Session Three: Five powerful ways to tame emotional eating on demand so you end self- sabotage and turn to God over food
Session Four: The x factor that empowers you to do the hard things required for true lifestyle transformation, even when you don't feel like it
Each session is a “welcome to my Ted Talk” value packed session so that you receive maximum value in around 90 minutes each day. Bring your questions and journals, because you will want to take notes! When you attend live you will also be gifted with a Laser Coaching Session to dial in how to best apply what you’ve learned based on your goals and lifestyle.
If you are a Christian women entrepreneur who would love to lose 20 pounds or more before Christmas, without giving up your favorite foods or spending hours at a gym then this Masterclass is for you. Email us at rebecca@rebeccatabbert.com with the word “Kingdom Fit” if you'd like to be included.
Much love and respect,

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Self-care Is Not Selfish, It’s Biblical! Part One
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022